Equestrians shine in the final leg of the 2024 Grand Caraibe Tour

Bahamian equestrian athletes Katerina Coello, Sienna Tinker and Erika Adderley made a strong showing in the final leg of the 2024 Grand Caraibe Tour at Les Ecuries de la Coulisse in Trois-Rivières, Guadeloupe. They were coached by European-based Grand Prix rider and trainer Rai Burch of Bermuda. Like all the riders visiting from other countries, they rode horses donated by riders from stables across the island of Guadeloupe.

The competition featured 52 riders from 8 countries (Antigua, The Bahamas, Bermuda, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, St. Martin and Suriname) competing in three height categories: Espoir (obstacles 0.85 – 0.90m); Elite, (obstacles 0.95 – 1.0m), and Grand Prix (obstacles 1.05-1.10m). Day 1 of the competition was a speed class while Day 2 was held in a two-round format, with the first round against the clock and a jump-off in the event of first-round ties. All courses were designed by FEI Course Designer Joseph Martin of France.

Results were as follows:

Espoir Division:

Katerina Coello aboard Victoria St. Pierre: Day 1 – 6th place; Day 2 – 5th place; Overall 4th/34.

Elite Division:

Sienna Tinker aboard Titeuf: Day 1 – 4th place; Day 2 – 14th place; Overall 8th/18

Grand Prix Division

Erika Adderley aboard Dixit du Cap: Day 1 – 10th place; Day 2 – 6th place; Overall 8th/10

Katerina was also named “Most Elegant Rider” of the competition.

Thank you to Coach Rai and to Chef d’Equipe Heidi Mello (BER) for their assistance, the organizers at Les Ecuries de la Coulisse, and the equestrian community of Guadeloupe for their warm hospitality!

Congratulations to all riders and we look forward to participating fully in the Grand Caraibe Tour in the coming season!